
This blog is for you…

…if you’re building a business you’re excited about.

It’s your dream. Your passion. You go to work on it and suddenly you look up to realize the hours just flew by.

Hi, I’m Mena,

I believe we do our best work by creating what we love.

By exploring. By experimenting. And by having fun.

I’m interviewing business owners that got started because they LOVE what they do. They got curious and chased it– And now that passion is making them money.

It’s your weekly inspiration that this *does* work. This is your reminder to get away from the 9-to-5 life and create your own life.

I’m also blogging about my own journey as a business student, working mom, and entrepreneur. I’m in this with you. Click around and comment on a post–let’s do this together!

~Mena (men-ah) Duarte ❤️  💡