Let’s level up your business tactics and stay inspired together

…So you can quit your day job and do the work you’re meant to do.

Join me on my journey from biz school to biz owner! I’m interviewing high-level business owners who’ve already created success. We’ll learn together and apply the best tactics to get more clients and change lives… starting with our own.

Latest Posts

Don’t die waiting for “perfect”

I've been doing bodyweight training on the dirty floor of my building's computer lab for about a month. I figured I would wait until I figured out which mat I want, then start all clean and Instagram-perfect on the right, new mat. But I know my own excuses. As my yoga instructor said last Friday, "come as you are." I [OPEN POST]

Executive Toilet Scrubber

I don’t know if I’m going to get the Corona virus at work today. By 2:30 am, I’ve cleaned one OR room and listened to four podcasts on entrepreneurship. I’m a mom and business student paying my way through school by cleaning overnight at a hospital. I set huge goals. And I’m getting my ass kicked. And this is good. [OPEN POST]